

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Portuguese Day Names, strange

Hi. Today's Wednesday. Hoje é quarta-feir
... and I am writing about day names. Yes, there are only 7 of them! :) (Not 8)

segunda(-feira) = Monday
terça(-feira) = Tuesday
(-feira) = Wednesday
(-feira) = Thursday
(-feira) = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday

As I speak a Spanish creole (native), I've learned how to say them exactly like in Spanish since childhood
. Starting from "domingo" through "miércoles" until "sábado", they're exactly the same as in Spanish, although I doubt the spelling. We don't have the accent marks over vowels or consonants (á, é, ó etc), and there are other differences in spelling which I won't put here.
Curious is there's also a h
uge difference between the Portuguese version and the other Romance language version. Comparing among French, Spanish and Italian day names, one would see the huge similarities. Segunda, terça, quarta, quinta, sexta? Why are they all ordinal numbers? Haven't anyone discovered a translation similar to that in Spanish or French that is lost or forgotten?
Perhaps something like: lunes, martes, mércoles, joves, vérnes ...  Curious  (''.

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